Independent Prep School National Champions, Autumn 2022
A particular highlight of the past months include the proud moment when our Under 11 footballers became the Independent Prep School National Champions, a first national title for the school and a great achievement. The same squad has also qualified for the National Independent Schools final in May and the Under 13 footballers will shortly be playing in a national final, the Independent Schools’ FA Trophy Final.
The Hall Triathlon & Tour de Godwin Teams 2022
The Hall's parent and teacher triathletes and cyclists headed to Blenheim Palace on Saturday 28th May, aiming to raise £45k for Cure EB, a charity dedicated to finding effective treatments and a cure for Epidermolysis Bullosa.

Thank you for your support of our amazing athletes and cyclists in this strenuous adventure!

School Dinner Event March 2022
It was a delight to see so many familiar faces at the School Dinner event last week! Thank you for joining us and especially those of you who travelled from far afield.

Judging by the level of chat over dinner, everyone relished meeting old friends and engaging with the ghosts of past pals and teachers as they were recalled in conversation at dinner. Mrs Casey and her catering team did us proud too and took personal pleasure in seeing so many guests manage second helpings of the lasagne and the good old Hall favourite pud, chocolate sponge with custard! It was lovely too that so many decided to reminisce at leisure as you strolled around the senior school, several of you mentioning that rooms and corridors seemed so much smaller / shorter than when you were your thirteen year old selves!

We are hopeful that many more alumni events can be planned into the school calendar as time progresses. Let's keep the re-established links to The Hall alive and active!
The Hall Recipe Book
We are delighted to announce the arrival of The Hall Recipe Book, following a tremendous response from parents, students, staff and alumni over last year to our call for recipe contributions.
We hope you are going to be dazzled by the professional design and photography of the book, as well as astonished by its range of recipes, sometimes heritage foods, often dishes from childhood or previous generations that the Hall community continues to cherish. While the cuisines and dishes vary widely, the recipes share one aim, to bring comfort and to bring people together.
Do contact to place an order which can be sent to you.
On Monday 18th November, Marcus returned to The Hall to meet with Year 7 and discuss his journey from the middle school hall all the way to the Olympic Games.

Marcus started fencing aged nine when it was offered as an extracurricular activity at The Hall. Speaking to British Fencing, Marcus said ‘I took up fencing almost by accident. After watching an after-school club, I wanted to get involved and the rest is history’.

After leaving the senior school, Marcus went on to study at Westminster School and the London School of Economics where he combined his fencing training with his studies and became a full-time fencer on the British Fencing’s World Class Programme.

In addition to being part of the 2010, 2013 and 2016 British teams that won a bronze medal at the European Championships, Marcus went down in history as a gold medallist in the Men’s Foil team at the 2015 European Games in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Marcus then represented GB in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, achieving 6th place with his team. Following these games, Marcus moved to New York to work with the renowned coach, Dan Kellner, and win a silver medal at the 2019 World Championship in the men’s individual foil. This win gave him the title as the number one athlete in the European Qualification Zone and he went on to qualify as an individual at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Our best wishes are with you Marcus, in your next fencing challenge!
A group of 20 members of staff and parents have pledged to join Mr Godwin in a 100km ride around the Inner Circle of Regent's Park on 12th December. We are fundraising for forthcoming Family Support initiatives at The Winch, our community partners at Swiss Cottage.

Please support us by going to our Go Fund Me page The Hall's Winter Appeal for The Winch

The Family Support team creates opportunities for young parents living in areas of deprivation to give their babies and toddlers a healthy and safe start in life. The team nurtures children's critical early development and builds communities of peer support for new parents. They deliver open sessions as well as targeted support programmes in partnership with specialist agencies, to promote participants' agency and their economic, social and mental wellbeing. The Hall would like to support the work of the Family Support team in connecting people to create a kinder and more resourceful neighbourhood as we head into the unknowns of 2022.
In our first post-lockdown social event of the new school year, on 14th September we were delighted to welcome back over 60 alumni and parents to the MS Hall.

Although only five years since their departure from our midst, the world has certainly been challenged and changed since 2016. Nonetheless, the old Hall spirit was still present amongst the cohort, evident in the way the old boys bounded into the MS hall to hug each other, outbursts of laughter reverberating as they spotted old friends, now sporting beards or statement hairstyles, some towering above their previous heights. Hilarious too, was the way in which student’s “feats of daring-do” came to light in conversations with parents about long-ago playdates and sleepovers, or with teachers about escapades on the coach during school trips and Activity Week residentials.

Chris Godwin welcomed the families back and spoke fondly of his memories of coming to the school when the cohort were entering Year 6. Mr Shah shared some old videos taken when the group were in various JS and MS productions, including sweet and very loud renditions of ‘Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of rum’ type songs as they performed in the JS’ Pirates Show and some unusually energetic, golf-swing type dance moves in the Year 4 Variety Show! In time-honoured tradition, at some point during the event, the alumni disappeared from the hall for a short, but apparently competitive (what else?!) game of football on The Yard before perhaps heading off to a local pub to continue the conversations ….

Thank you for joining us everyone and please do keep up-to-date with our news and events through The Hall Connect website

Please go to Event Galleries to see images from the event.
Despite it turning out to be the strangest ‘final year’ anyone could have imagined, we are sending off the Year 8s leavers with affection and pride this summer term. At least there have been opportunities for a version of Activities Week and a sports day at the Wilf Slack playing fields, as the boys say ‘Au Revoir’ to each other after 9 years at The Hall.

Places have been won at the following senior schools for September 2021; Aldenham (2); Brighton College (1, a Music Scholarship); City of London (7); Eton College (3, including 1 Martineau Exhibition); Haberdashers’ Aske’s (1); Harrow School (1); Haileybury (3, including 1 Music Scholarship); Highgate (1); Merchant Taylors’ (2); Mill Hill (1); St. Paul’s (8, including 1 John Collet Scholarship); UCS (5, including 1 Music Scholarship); Westminster (14, including 1 Exhibition and 4 Music Scholarships).

We wish the Year 8 boys leaving The Hall this summer all the very best in their new schools … don’t forget us!
Three old Hall boys were in this year's annual Eton v Harrow cricket match, played at Lord's on Saturday 22 May.

Jasper Gray opened the bowling for Harrow, while Gus Beagles captained Eton and Arnav Varma ended with 3 wickets, contributing significantly to Eton's victory by 4 wickets. Harrow set a total of 161 and in response, 47 by Gus Beagles (who was not out) and at the crease with Arnav, saw Eton home to a convincing victory.

Congratulations to the boys upon their success in playing in such a prestigious fixture and upon their splendid final years in their senior schools.
Weeks and months of home-learning notwithstanding, the Eco-Committee led us over the last year to the end of the path to gain our Eco-Schools Green Flag Award. The Committee held many online meetings over lockdowns to conjure up suggestions for activities that would encourage all pupils to continue in their green efforts at home. Eco-Committee members were encouraged to post their suggestions on Firefly and social media to encourage classmates to take up all sorts of activities, alongside photos of the work they had been doing themselves.

Activities included growing herbs, fruit and vegetables, making bird boxes and insect hotels, making sculptures from recycled materials, composting, taking pictures of wildlife and continuing to keep Mondays meat free through cooking delicious vegan and vegetarian recipes at home.

How proud the Committee has been to finally see the awarded flag hoisted now in front of the Junior School! What would Miss Gladstone, Miss Bearman or Miss Allen, former Heads of the Junior School have thought of that?!
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